Although there are several such guides already (linked below), this one combines the content of several and, through the use of screenshots and examples, is meant to be especially accessible to those without prior Linux experience. This is useful if you want to run R for Linux (e.g., due to its faster computation and better parallelization or simply to do cross-platform development) while on a Windows machine. Afterwards, if RStudio prompts you to, choose a version of R to use.Here is a super-easy visual guide to setting up and running RStudio Server for Ubuntu 20 on Windows 10.

Make sure the folder selected directly contains folders such as bin and include, as RStudio does not recursively search the selected folder for a valid R build. Pick the third Choose a specific version of R option, click browse, navigate to the folder in which R was installed, and select this folder. When RStudio first runs, it will prompt you for an R execution environment. For convenience, it may be preferable to create a shortcut linking to this executable. In this directory, open bin, and find the rstudio.exe file. Navigate to the directory you just installed RStudio to (this is the install location you specified in the installer, or the extraction destination of the archive). Proceed with the finishing steps of the installation. On the next install step, checking "Do not create shortcuts" is recommended, as the RStudio folder it creates will likely just be empty. When prompted for an install location, specify a location within your home directory. Step through the installation while following the below steps.

If using the installer, proceed to the next section.Īfter retrieving the. It is recommended to use the second option, as this will allow you to skip this next section (go directly to Running RStudio).