Police found the money at his campsite in the woods, he had begun to use some of it to make artistic designs. "Johnny Bee" turned out to be Hannah's long lost son, who was never the same after the war. At her funeral Nahum admitted his role, and took responsibility for Percy's death. Percy was trying to cross the river to get to him when she was swept away and over some rapids and drowned. The next day when it was discovered that all the money was gone Nahum could have done the right thing but played dumb instead, everyone was chasing Percy, who was looking for "Johnny Bee", spooked by all the cops and dogs. However, Percy came in at that time to gather the food items for Hannah to put out each night for the mysterious man that she came to call "Johnny Bee" (from Johnny Be Good), used the sack not knowing money was in it, and put it out at the usual place near the wood pile. To be on the safe side, Nahum sneaked into Hannah's place at night to get the money and put it in a cloth sack to carry it to a safe place. But Nahum became very nervous about all the money, still not trusting Percy. The contest was successful beyond their dreams, pulling in so many entries that all the townspeople had to pitch in, reading essays and helping pick the winner. The inmate friends of Shelby got the notice in newspapers all over the USA, and entries rolled in, with $100 bills included for the entry fee. Percy had once heard about someone holding a contest, told Shelby about it, who suggested it to Hannah, and off they were, to the consternation of Nahum. But Hannah decides she needs to get rid of the business and Nahum has not been successful selling it for her. Percy and Shelby share duties to keep the grill running somewhat smoothly. Hannah unwisely uses a chair at home above the grill to get something high and falls, breaking her leg. Marcia Gay Harden is good as Nahum's simpleton wife, Shelby. He simply does not trust Percy, even though she is a model employee. In this very small town everyone is curious about Percy, but none as much as Hannah's nephew, Nahum (Will Patton), who has taken it upon himself to watch out for Hannah. But nice older owner of the Spitfire Grill, Hannah (Ellen Burstyn), takes Percy in and puts her to work.

Now, in town, the local sheriff forgot that he was supposed to see about her. Originally from Ohio, nothing has gone good for her yet.

Set in Gilead, Maine, Percy Talbot (Alison Elliot) is being released from 5 years behind bars and travels here to pick up her life, and in the process helps heal a small town. But as the camera pulls back, and we see bars, we realize it is a prison, and the inmates are unusual employees of the state of Maine. As the first scene unfolds we see women apparently working in a travel office, giving information to those who call.