194, EB In the book, Con Academy, who is Rhonda in actuality? She is Moira MacDonald's older sister. 191, EB In the book, Con Academy, who was the priest that Will stole from when he was young? father Thomas

181, EB In the book, Con Academy, what is Will's real name? Billie humbert 175, EB In the book, Con Academy, who does Will find tied up in his father's motel bathroom? Andrea Melville to allow him to stay at the academy after he found out that Will was not from Ebeye? He blackmailed him and said that if he kicked him out, he would expose the gutenberg. 129, EB In the book, Con Academy, How did Will convince Dr.

129, EB In the book, Con Academy, who sold the fake Gutenberg to Connaughton? Dr. 91, EB In the book, Con Academy, what society is Gatsby a part of? The Sigils 83, EB In the book, Con Academy, what book did will and Gatsby discover was a forgery? The Gutenberg Bible 75, EB In the book, Con Academy, Who is Will's Dads' girlfriend? Rhonda

In the book, Con Academy, who did Will claim was his boss when Brandt 'caught' him cheating at his poker game? Brian McDonald